Welcome to the Conservation College

Last year, Kim & Chris Chisholm of Wolf Camp released the “Conservation College” name to a group of Wolf Camp parents who filed Articles of Incorporation as a non-profit organization, elected board members, and started to build the new Conservation College. The initial goal of the Conservation College is to expand the organization into an accredited technical school offering degree programs to all ages of student throughout the year.

The Conservation College is now looking for additional board members who want to take its mission into the future. Gain useful skills while sharing your talents! We are looking for board members who want to take the Conservation College into the future, keeping the next generation in touch with a healthy life outdoors. Time commitment is estimated to be 6 hours per month depending on board position, including virtual meetings, trainings and in-person event preparations.

If you can’t join the board but want to support our work, become a member of the new Conservation College by donating with the PayPal button below. Membership benefits include the right to elect board members, and make advisory votes during annual meetings, among other benefits. Thank you!